

Now I plan to purchase a condo and I will probably enter into a purchase contract this Saturday. Currently, I rent an apartment, but it is very small and the quality of the building is not so good. Also, the Japanese government assists me to purchase one by giving a tax merit this year. So, I decided to do so, although I must bear a huge bank loan (mortgage). My condo is located in Sendagaya, in Tokyo. It is just two stations from Shinjuku, the biggest downtown in Japan. However, because it has a lot of parks and trees, I am able to feel comfort enough to get ready for my work at the weekend. Sendagaya has the National Stadium where we can watch J league’s games, the professional soccer league in Japan there. My son is fifteen months old now, but I am looking forward to watching them with him, two or three years later when he becomes older. My wife is looking for furniture for our new condo. This Sunday, we will go to a furniture shop in Ginza to order a closet for the bedroom. Purchasing a condo is the biggest event this year for my family.

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